Fancy Goods (2012)
Leather, burnished steel, metal fittings.
300cm x 130cm x 25cm.
Photography by Ekphrasis
Bridges Become Doors (2012)
Steel, graphite, burnished aluminium.
Dimensions variable.
Photography by Ekphrasis
Function Creep (2012) - detail
Sanded steel. 90cm x 80cm x 300cm.
Photography by Ekphrasis
Fort Worth #6 (2009)
Leather, sand.
Canyon (2010-2011) - detail
Foam-padded leather, board, steel.
30cm x 137cm.
Salto Mortale (2011)
Speakers, glass, audio CD playing the intermittent sound
of breaking glass.
Photography by Ekphrasis
Wagonmaster (2008) - detail
Plastic pipes, ponyskin, rope, wood, metal hook, antlers. Dimensions variable.
Life Sized (2005)
MDF, mirored acrylic. 163cm x 113cm x 40cm.
Safety Measures (2009)
Mirror, timber. 57cm x 57cm x 540cm.
Thrill Seeker (2008)
Aluminium, paper. 24cm x 30cm
Training Camp (2016)
Steel, graphite.
Ghost Herd (2004-2010) - installation detail
A surround sound installation in which a herd of bison stampedes the gallery space from one end to the other. At irregular intervals, the space resounds with the deep rumble of animal hooves. The sound swells up, moves through the building and dies away, making the herd of bison a spatial - albeit invisible - reality.
Gymkhana (2008)
Pony skin, concrete, plastic, powder-coated steel, leather, chromed cast brass plum bob, rope.
200cm x 190 cm x 175cm.
Fort Worth #3 (2007)
Leather, sand.
Fort Worth #4 (2008)
Leather, sand.
Fancy Goods (2012) - detail
Leather, burnished steel, metal fittings.
300cm x 130cm x 25cm.
Photography by Ekphrasis
Function Creep (2012)
Sanded steel. 90cm x 80cm x 300cm.
Photography by Ekphrasis
Fort Worth #4 (2008)
Leather, sand.
Dead Air (2011)
Dimensions variable -resin, marble dust, pigment.
Photography by Ekphrasis
Wagonmaster (2008) - detail
Plastic pipes, ponyskin, rope, wood, metal hook, antlers. Dimensions variable.
Greater Good (2011)
Back-to-front modular metal pictrue frame, cardboard,
paper, masking tape, metal fixings, leather string.
49.5cm x 49.5cm x 3cm.
Bullseye (2006)
Skateboard, cement/plaster mix, animal horn.
19cm x 84cm x 20cm.
Short Shadow (2008)
Table, clamps, metal, foam, latex dip-coated deer antlers.
Long Rider (2008) - exhibition view
A 12'" dub plate recording of the looped sound of a needle stuck in a groove.
The work operates on the level of an object as well as that of a sound piece, relying on the discrepancy between the behaviour of the object as seen (the record spinning smoothly on the turntable) and the sound emanating from it (that of a stuck, skipping record). Dub plates are intrinsically experimental, ephemeral objects. They are one-off recordings, usually made on pvc or plastic with a somewhat inferior sound quality to vinyl and a limited life span. They were widely used, for example, by Studio One in Jamaica as a way of trying out new tunes in dance halls, and many dub plates never made it to become commercially-released vinyl pressings. Each dub plate will only play a finite number of times before the sound quality will start to significantly degrade and it is an important feature of LONG RIDER that the recording will slowly efface itself over time.
Edition of 10, plus display copy and artist’s proof. Each recording is pressed to order and comes with individual sleeve artwork hand-made from black wood-grain vinyl contact paper.
Ghost Herd (2004-2010) - installation detail
A surround sound installation in which a herd of bison stampedes the gallery space from one end to the other. At irregular intervals, the space resounds with the deep rumble of animal hooves. The sound swells up, moves through the building and dies away, making the herd of bison a spatial - albeit invisible - reality.
Untitled (2008)
Pony skin, skateboard, rope, lacquer car paint, hook.
Dimensions variable.
Background: Doors Become Bridges (2012)
Steel, graphite, leather, metal fittings.
300cm x 210cm x 20cm.
Foreground: Panorama (2012)
Concrete rubble, cargo net.
Dimensions variable.
Photography by Ekphrasis
Bridges Become Doors (2012) - detail
Steel, graphite, burnished aluminium.
Dimensions variable.
Photography by Ekphrasis
The Producers (2012)
Leather, metal fittings. Dimensions variable.
Fort Worth #1 (2007)
Leather, sand.
Regard Matrixiels at Treignac Projet.
Installation view, left to right:
Dead Air (2011) - resin, marble dust, pigment.
Canyon (2010-11) - foam-padded leather, board, steel.
Salto Mortale (2011) - speakers, glass, audio CD playing intermittent sound of breaking glass.
Photography by Ekphrasis
Canyon (2010-2011)
Foam-padded leather, board, steel.
30cm x 137cm.
Wagonmaster (2008) - detail
Plastic pipes, ponyskin, rope, wood, metal hook, antlers. Dimensions variable.
Doublezero (2006)
MDF, mirrored acrylic. 163cm x 226cm x 40cm.
Non-Specialist (2010)
Burnished leather, screws.
Long Rider (2008) - sleeve
A 12'" dub plate recording of the looped sound of a needle stuck in a groove.
The work operates on the level of an object as well as that of a sound piece, relying on the discrepancy between the behaviour of the object as seen (the record spinning smoothly on the turntable) and the sound emanating from it (that of a stuck, skipping record). Dub plates are intrinsically experimental, ephemeral objects. They are one-off recordings, usually made on pvc or plastic with a somewhat inferior sound quality to vinyl and a limited life span. They were widely used, for example, by Studio One in Jamaica as a way of trying out new tunes in dance halls, and many dub plates never made it to become commercially-released vinyl pressings. Each dub plate will only play a finite number of times before the sound quality will start to significantly degrade and it is an important feature of LONG RIDER that the recording will slowly efface itself over time.
Edition of 10, plus display copy and artist’s proof. Each recording is pressed to order and comes with individual sleeve artwork hand-made from black wood-grain vinyl contact paper.